Saturday 20 June 2020

Computer Network

Computer Network is collection of computer connected with each other .It basically allows computer to communicate with each other and share resources which include information.
Now a Days Computer are used in wider range. All the organisation are using multiple computer within departments to perform their day-to-day-work.The network is classified into different types according to area & wide range.When two or more computer communicate with each other they follow some path & rules.The OSI(Open Systems Interconnection) model is conceptual and has seven layers and each layer is having its own functions.

Need of a Computer Network:-
Computer Network is as important to share data & information between two network.For Example :-
A institute have two center one sub center & another main center .Basically what we are saying the way the both center communicate is through network.The both center share their data through network. Computer network  allows the user to share resources such as printer & faxes.printer can be installed on one computer & another computer can share resource data through network.Computer Network also allows user to communicate through messaging system.One Important ,these days we were giving desktop support through network which is very help for other to troubleshoot their system from a long distance.

History of Computer Network:-

Earlier,Computer network were used as standalone .The main purpose of using the earlier days to save directory in soft copy.Computer network established link between different user within in  an organization.
The Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) designed Advanced Research projects Agency network(ARPANET) for United state Department Defense. It was the world first Computer Network.


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