Wednesday 25 May 2016

Peer-to-peer Model

Peer-to-peer network is also called as distributed architecture that partition tasks or work loads between peers.In this no need to grant permission as centralized architecture.In this architecture Peers are both suppliers and consumers of resources but in client-server model in which the consumption and supply of resources are divided.The P2P systems had used previously in many application domains,the architecture wa popularized by the music file sharing system called Napster,released in 1999.
The P2P concept inspired new structure and philosophy in many humans interaction.

The peer-to-peer movement allowed of internet users to connect with each other by forming group, user-created search engine,virtual super computer.The basic concept of peer-to-peer computing was envisioned earlier software systems.
Tim Berners-Lee's vision for the world-wide web.The early internet service is more openly used because that time no firewall and other security measures used by OS.After Days passed they all working on networking,they finally found ARPANET which was a successful client-server network.In this every nodes requested to the serve the contents.Now,but something missing like the address based routing it means it broadcast the signal but it doesn't specify where to send. When it broadcasted the packets goes to every one which was in network.
In early period a USENET was developed near about 1979 and it's fully decentralized based model.

Peer-to-peer system has unique challenge for the computer security perspective.the main challenge for peer-to-peer network is that it act as server or it act as client.


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