Showing posts with label Networking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Networking. Show all posts

Thursday 22 June 2017

IP Addressing

IP Address : What is IP Address?

When a device comes in the network, it needs IP (Internet Protocol) address to communicate with the other networking devices. 32 bit & 128 Bit logical address is used to create the network. An IP address is used to communicate with different networking devices. IP is a unique address. It is a number assigned to any device operating on an IP network. For example: Computer, Router, and Internet Fax Machines. The main purpose of using IP is that it gives a unique identification on network.
For Example:
IP address 11000000.10000000.00000011.00010000 but we denote it Decimal No. system we assign IP to the network card instead computer (improve).
It used IP address range from 0 to 255.

What are the Categories of IP address?

There are two Categories of IP addresses we use:-
1. Dynamic IP (Internet Protocol)
2. Static IP (Internet Protocol)

Dynamic IP is assigned to the computer in temporary manner to connect with the network. The most common protocol assigned to the dynamic IP in the network system is DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol). This Protocol assigns IP address on Leased time.

Static IP is assigned manually to system to connect through the networking devices. In this IP addressing protocol, there is no need of leased time. These IP address are semi-permanent IP addresses which remain allocated to a specific device for longer time.

What are the classes of IP Address?
There are many classes in IP address:-
In every class there is a range defined for Public & Private addressing. Public IP are those IP address which is used at global level & Private IP are those IP address which is used in small organization or for the private sector.
1.       Class A (0-127)
It consists of 8 bit network ID and 24-bit Host ID. In this class, we use 2^24 -2 No. of Host (IP) address available to assign to the devices except two IP address reserved in each Network. In every Network two IP address is used for Network & Broadcast Address. Class A provides 16,777,216 host address.
In this class, first octet defines the network & rest three octets define the Host. IP)
 Rest Network IP is Public
Ex: - Etc.

2.       Class B (128-191)

It consist of 16-bit network ID and 16-bit Host ID. In this class, we use 2^16-2 number of host (IP) addresses available to assign to the devices. In this class, 16,384 network blocks are created where two of the IP is used for network & broadcast. Here, we use first two octets for Network & rest octets are used for Host.
16- -16- (used for private IP)

3.    Class C (192-223)

It consists of 24-bit for network ID and 8-bit for Host ID. In this class, we use 2^8-2 number of host (IP) addresses available to assign to the devices. In this, 2,097,152 network block. (used for Private IP addressing)

4.   Class D(224-239)

Class D IP addressing is used for multi-casting.Each address in this class defines a particular group of hosts over the internet.In Class D IP addressing consists of only one block of address.The first byte of class D specifies decimal values from 224 to239.

5.   Class E(240-255)

Class E IP is used for special purpose.Class E IP address consist of first bit value 1 in first byte second bit value 1 in second byte,third bit value 1 in third byte and fourth bit value 1 in fourth byte. Class E IP range have been spotted between 240 to 255.
What is Uni-cast addresses? 
Uni-cast communication between one-to-one.When a packet is sent to the destination address to the single host is called as Uni-cast.Every host which  present on the internet has at least one unique IP address.These address belong to Class-A, Class-B,Class-C .
For example :-

What is Multi cast Addresses?

The word multicast means "One to many". Whenever we were talking about multicast address means that one to many communication take place. Multicast belong to class to class D address.In Multicast a group has been defined. For example :- If a system has 4 multicast IP address then it belong to 4 different groups.

Multicasting on internet is of two types :-

1.Local level

At local level,hosts on LAN can form a group and can be assigned a multicast address

2.Global level

Hosts on different networks can form a group and can be assigned a multicast address.


Thursday 8 June 2017

WAN (Wide Area Network)

WAN (Wide Area Network)

WAN covers a wide geographical area which includes multiple computers or LANs. It connects computer through public networks ,like telephone system,microwave,satellite link or leased line.
Many of the WAN network uses leased lines which helps in faster data access. Leased line is dedicated telephone connection between service provider & customer.
The main benefit of using this network is that there is no interfere of other network & it doesn't effect it.

WAN is benefit-able for us because if we are in an organisation which established in different cities .WAN network helps us to establish the network.It helps in connecting with different department as well as different cities of world.


MAN(Metropolitan Area Network)

MAN(Metropolitan Area Network)

MAN is a network which is interconnected with the different cities.Generally, MAN is not owned by single organization.It act as high speed data travelling from one city to another.MAN can also be connected through remote LAN through telephone lines or radio links.MAN supports data and Voice transmission .The best examples of MAN is the television cable network in cities.

Wednesday 7 June 2017

LAN (Local Area Network)

LAN (Local Area Network)

LAN is computer network spans over a small area.It connects with different devices like printer ,faxes & workstations.LAN is restricted to a small area such as home, office or college.
LAN form a network's it .covers comparatively small geographical area.The LAN is restricted due to its smaller coverage area and centralized management.
Local Area Network
Above figure show that there is all device connected with it & these form a small network.Here gadgets are connected with each other & they used to share data from each other.
The IEEE 802 standards is set by the IEEE organizations of the United states of America .

Advantages Of LAN:-

  • It's help in sharing data from user to printer in a network.
  • LAN communication is faster than other network. It's accessible faster.
  • It helps to configure easily & it maintains easily.
  • Provide communication in smaller area network with limited network elements.
  • New user or equipment can be installed and configured easily.
Disadvantage of LAN:-
  • Limited number of computer can be connected in LAN.
  • It doesn't  cover large area.
  • Network performance get low when number of connecting device is increased.
  • LAN is more prone to virus & hacking than Standalone Computers.

Friday 3 June 2016

Introduction to Inter-networking :

The practice of connecting a computer network with other network through gateway which provides connectivity between LAN and WAN that provide a common method of routing information packets between the network.
You simply called it "Internet" because  Inter-networking is combination of two words inter and networking.
The most notable example of inter-networking is the internet.

How to create Internetwork ?
To create an inter-network is to have two LANs of computer connected to each other via router, switch or hub to connect local area network together.

Wednesday 25 May 2016

Peer-to-peer Model

Peer-to-peer network is also called as distributed architecture that partition tasks or work loads between peers.In this no need to grant permission as centralized architecture.In this architecture Peers are both suppliers and consumers of resources but in client-server model in which the consumption and supply of resources are divided.The P2P systems had used previously in many application domains,the architecture wa popularized by the music file sharing system called Napster,released in 1999.
The P2P concept inspired new structure and philosophy in many humans interaction.

The peer-to-peer movement allowed of internet users to connect with each other by forming group, user-created search engine,virtual super computer.The basic concept of peer-to-peer computing was envisioned earlier software systems.
Tim Berners-Lee's vision for the world-wide web.The early internet service is more openly used because that time no firewall and other security measures used by OS.After Days passed they all working on networking,they finally found ARPANET which was a successful client-server network.In this every nodes requested to the serve the contents.Now,but something missing like the address based routing it means it broadcast the signal but it doesn't specify where to send. When it broadcasted the packets goes to every one which was in network.
In early period a USENET was developed near about 1979 and it's fully decentralized based model.

Peer-to-peer system has unique challenge for the computer security perspective.the main challenge for peer-to-peer network is that it act as server or it act as client.

Client-Server Model

The client-server model is distributed structure that helps to overcome the loads of the resources sharing,the main work of the the client-server model is to make a centralized data and resource transfer between client and server. The service provider to the client is known as server and the services requester is known as clients. As usually both the clients and the server have different configuration of hardware but they both have in same network. In this system, server can run one or more programs but the other end clients only run those program which is provided by service provider.For example,the server provided us Email,Network printing,and the world wide web and user want to use ms-office they cannot do that because server have not  provide him the Ms-office permission.  .
The function of a server is to provide all client the services according to there level.The server mainly classified by their services .For Example,Web server serves web pages, a file server serves a file services.
when we talk about the software is used by client and server .here, it depend or determined by the nature of application that required by the service functions.The main point is that client software can also communicate with server software within the same computer.The inter -server or server to server communication means communication between server,


The client-server model formulated in 1960s and 1970s,where computer scientists building a network known as ARPANET at the Stanford Research Institute.They firstly, named it server-host and user-host.One  context in which researches design   a computer network programming language called Decode-Encode language(DEL). The development of DE language is the beginning of the network.

Difference between  Client-host and Server-host:

First of all, a host is that which connect to a network.The host is a versatile,multi function computer.
Clients and server are just programs that run on a host. The word server and client may refer either to a computer or to the computer program.

Centralized Computing system:

The centralized computing system means that the whole client computer depends on single system for resource sharing.

Comparison with Peer-to-peer architecture:

 If you see in the field of client-server model,the server is designed to be centralized  system that serves many clients.The computing power,memory and storage requirements of a server must be scaled according to the expected work load(means how many clients are connecting). In client-server model the load balancing and fail over systems are often employed to scale the server implementation.

In peer-to-peer network, two or more computers have transfer their resources and communicate in the decentralized system.It's a non-hierarchical network.To balance load in peer-to-peer network the communication protocol is used and even peer with modest resources can help to share the loads.
A node is used to maintain the shared resources files ,if by chance not available then .It's shared resources remain available for as long as the other peer don't  offer it.

Basic of Network

Computer Network is a group of computer and devices which are connected with each other.It allows device to transfer,access each other data.It allows to share resources each other .It also helps to communicate with other devices like printer, scanner,cameras etc.
These days computer are used in huge amount every where so there is not easy to transfer every minute data through pen drive or hard drive .In big organization there are so many computers and the organization have also have other state or country branches, then it will be not easy to handle all department through hard-drive transfer.Network is essential part of our daily life and it make easier to communicate with any organization from one place and their is no need to hand any drive to transfer data.

Network are having divided into many  types mainly by their network size.As we know every persons have other protocol to communicate with other people means when a human communicate with a child then there where other protocol used, it will be different when they talk with boss or guardians.

So, In network there is also the rules or protocol to communicate with other device which is in network.The rules or protocol which i talk is OSI(Open Systems Interconnection) model.Simply, there are seven layer available in the OSI model and each layer have own functionality.

Need of Computer Network:

Use of a computer Network in Many purposes like:
  • Sharing files, folders,data and information.
  • sharing hardware resources such as computer Monitors.
  • Sharing software, as many users connected to the network can run the same application program.
Network Configuration types:

Types of Computer Network: